Meet Amanda Monyhan

Amanda Monyhan.jpg

How are you involved with Improv Cincinnati?

I'm a student and am also a performer on the Veracity team.

When did you start doing improv?

I was exposed to improv in college (NKU theater) and was bad at it and mostly terrified but I loved comedy and wanted to learn. I auditioned for ComedySportz on a whim and got in so I started my training with them. I also met Colin Thorton there and he invited me take classes. I was lucky to receive the Roger Shuster Improv Scholarship and I've been growing and learning with Improv Cincinnati ever since.

What is your favorite thing about improv?

You constantly give yourself permission to be courageous every time you get up to play.

What is one of your fondest improv memories?

Guessing all 5 Things in an early ComedySportz Cincinnati Match. I had a Rudy Moment where I was lifted up by my teammates and the audience was going wild as if I made the winning basket...or touchdown! The audience was so with us as we worked together to figure it out. It was like a comedy sports movie moment. And the paper was there. And my guessing face made the cover of the entertainment section that week. It was ridiculously awesome and over the top.

Do you have any fun facts about yourself people might not know?

I'm a mixed media artist and painter. I apply the idea of "there are no mistakes, only gifts" regularly.