Saving the Scene: 22 Techniques To Unstick Your Improv Scene

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Saving the Scene: 22 Techniques To Unstick Your Improv Scene


Have you ever been in an improv scene that is going badly? We sure have. As the dark cloud settles on the stage, we may silently blame ourselves or our scene partner’s choices for ruining the scene. We may hope someone in the backline provides a merciful edit. We may pray for a miraculous power outage to mask our ninja-like retreat into the night. None are necessary!

In this guide we’ll introduce you to 22 proactive steps you can take to breathe new life into a scene.

Saving the Scene includes:

  • 22 techniques that can turn around even the most challenging scene

  • Sample scenes that demonstrate the techniques in action

  • True stories from the author’s personal improv journeys

  • Scene Vortexes (choices that are more likely to sink a scene) and how to escape them

Whether you’re an improv newbie or an improv veteran, this guide will serve as a useful reminder that we always have options to save a scene!

NOTE: This is a PDF edition. If you prefer reading on Kindle, purchase here.

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